Administrator’s guide


This module is designed to authenticate your request against Google services. An Internet access is required.

You can’t use this module if it is not fully configured.


You need to have admin privileges to activate the module.

Navigate to Configuration ‣ Modules ‣ Interfaces ‣ ZenFusion OAuth and switch it to ON

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You must register Dolibarr in the Google Developers Console to allow it to communicate with Google.

Google Cloud Console

Google API Configuration

Sign in with your Google account.

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Create a new project with the button Create project.

Choose a Project Name (for example Dolibarr).

Eventually accept the terms of service.

Click Create »`

Wait until the project opens automatically.

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Use Enable an API from the dashboard or the API & AUTH ‣ APIs »` menu.

Enable the required APIs for your modules (Status ON).

Module APIs
ZenFusion Contacts
  • Contacts API
ZenFusion Drive
  • Drive API
  • Google Picker API

Client ID

Go to APIs & AUTH ‣ Credentials ‣ OAuth.

Click Create new client ID.

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Use the following parameters:

Application type:
 Web application
Authorized Javascript origins:
 Dolibarr’s adress
Authorized redirect URI:
 Copy and paste URL using the Copy to clipboard button (Configuration tab from Dolibarr’s ZenFusion OAuth module).

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Configuration file

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Download the file using the Download JSON button from the new Client ID and upload it using the form (Setup tab from Dolibarr’s ZenFusion OAuth module).


You just enabled Dolibarr communicating with Google.


For security reasons, destroy the downloaded file after use. Or at least make sure it’s stored in a safe way.


Module provides a user permission. This allows or denies access to all functions.

It is only enabled for admin by default and should be enabled for each desired user or group.

You can find it in the user card User permissions tab or group card Group permissions tab.

User setup

See User’s guide